
At Outward Bound Belgium, we believe that personal growth and team development go hand in hand. Since our collaboration with Renewi began in 2022, we have focused on improving group dynamics and fostering teamwork within their teams. We are proud of the positive changes we have been able to achieve together with Renewi and we remain dedicated helping their teams grow and thrive.

Jan Pijls, operations director at Renewi Belgium:

“My name is Jan Pijls and I am the operations director at Renewi Belgium. A few years ago, I was looking for ways to strengthen our team and improve group dynamics when I discovered Outward Bound Belgium. What particularly appeals to me about their approach is that they actively work on group dynamics through various activities and insights.

One example of this is a speleology activity we participated in. In the initial stages, we noticed that some team members, the "roosters," were eager to prove themselves and left the rest of the team behind. After each activity, we reflected on what we had learned, examining whether everyone had fulfilled their role and if the team had achieved the set goals. This feedback provided valuable insights that we carried forward into the next activity. As a result, the team learned to collaborate actively and achieve shared objectives.

I find this approach unique and it has a lasting impact. To this day, I see our team striving for collaboration rather than allowing a few to lead while others lag behind. It is a successful formula from which we continue to benefit. I now find myself in the position where I initially introduced Outward Bound Belgium, but now the team is requesting to collaborate with Outward Bound by themselves. They want to continue working on their collaboration and keep growing as a team.”

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